"Don't worry bout them liking it, you love your craft, everyone else will catch up later"- Jody

Thursday, May 1, 2014

đź’‹of death...part 1

Of Death…


​By:Kiera T.Thomas


“You cute”.

“Excuse me?” Prissy turned around to see who had just given her a compliment. She was next in line at Student Center at Southwest, trying to purchase a scantron before her next class.

When she turned around, his chest was the first thing she saw. He was that much taller than him, she looked him up and down. “This nigga got tobe at least 6’2”, she thought to herself. On her way up to his face, she noticed he had a lot of tattoos on his arms, once she reached his neck, she just knew he was some ignorant tattedgangbanger. Immediately turned off, she looked up, smiled and said, “Thank you”.

“I can help the next customer”, the cashier motioned at Prissy.

“You’re welcome Ma”, now Prissy noticed his deep husky voice, maybe he isn’t that bad, she thought.


After being rang up, Prissy picked up her new purchases and headed towards the door. Looking down at her phone, she realized she still had time to kill before her next class so instead of going to sit in the library like she did any other day, she decided to take a walk around the campus. It was a pretty spring day; it wasn’t too hot or too cold.

​Prissy always caught the eyes of the men on campus, rather it is the older men or the younger cats, and they liked what they saw but who wouldn’t. To only be 22, Prissy had it going on.

​Being that Prissy, whose real name is Prissicilla, is a mixed breed that alone caught the eye and attention of others. Her mother was a dark Puerto Rican woman, Princess, who was straight from PR. Prissy’s father, Jabori was at one time an international basketball star, playing for a few teams overseas, and Jabori was really a hit during his time. His time came to an end when Prissy was only 16; he died after having a heart attack on the court. Although Prissy barely knew or seen her father, his death still took its toll on the young girl life. She didn’t have any brothers or sisters from her mom so it was usually just the two of them. Princess, Prissy’s mom, worked a lot. That’s one thing Prissy didn’t like or understand because up until his death and even after, Jabori took great care of the two of them. It was until about a month ago that the money stopped coming in, which was because of Jabori’s bitter wife, Crystal.

​Yes, Jabori was married to Crystal when he met and impregnated Princess. At the time, Princess didn’t mind being his mistress because she was “kept” and every bitch wanted to be a kept one, especially if she was one of many. Princess knew her role though and she knew Jabori really loved her as much as she did him. They remained “close friends” until the day Jabori died so his death also took a toll on Princess life.

​Prissy was about 5’6, 134 pounds at her heaviest. Being the daughter of Princess, she inherited her beautiful hair, which was red like her fathers. It fell to the middle of her back and she usually wore it in a loose braid or ponytail. Her hips weren’t as wide as Princess’s but they were wide enough to fill out every pair of designer jeans she slid into. Her booty was ample, and she always worked out so she was in shape. The one thing she lacked were boobs, but her B cups got the job done and if they couldn’t, Victoria Secrets wasn’t far away. Her slanted eyes were butter cream in color and she had the most beautiful eye lashes, any woman would even her eyes alone. Prissy was truly a beautiful person, her soul was pure and her personality made people want to be around her. That’s one thing she inherited from Jabori, he was a true charmer.

​Prissy didn’t mind that at one point of time there was lots of wealth in her life that was no longer there because she figured that more problems came when you had money. When she was younger, a lot of people just wanted to be her friend because had the latest bags and clothes, not realizing that none of that mattered to Prissy. She soon found herself with limited friends andassociates.


​The afternoon breeze felt so good as I walked around the campus. Ignoring the hoots and hollering of my male counterparts, I strolled in my own little world with my headphones in and music blasting. Little did the guys know, I couldn’t hear them, I was just reading their lips. I would smile here and there because I’m not a rude person; I just know that I don’t want anything that these guys have to offer. â€‹

​I was turning the corner to go to the math building, where my next class was located and I felt someone grab my arm. I immediately snatched my arm back and took off my headphones, before I could go off about this person touching me, he spoke.

​“My name is Tommy, I’m finance major. I seen you in the Student Center, complimented you. You remember me?” he said cracking a smile. His teeth were as white as snow and look like they were as straight as dentures. My heart dropped into my panties.

​“Yes, I remember you but please don’t ever scare me like that again, you could’ve got pepper sprayed” I said while pulling out my pink can of mace.

​“Oh I see you don’t play huh” he chuckled and I gave him a look like “nah I don’t nigga”

​“So I told you my name, what’s yours gorgeous? Or I can just keep calling you gorgeous if you want”

​“Prissy, my name is Prissy, well Prissicilla” I replied.

He extended his hand and I accepted it and shook it.

​“Nice to meet you Prissy” he had a firm grip, I liked that.

​“So where are you headed now, would you like to go to lunch?” he asked and I looked at him kind of crazy.

​“Wait; slow down turbo, we got to crawl before we walk. I have a midterm in about 10 minutes so that’s where I’m headed. I’m not sure if I’mcomfortable going to lunch with someone I just met though, that’s kind of creepy isn’t it?” I was serious.

​“Ha-ha yea I see where you’re coming from, it does seem kind of creepy as you say but I just want to get to know you. It’s something about you, I got to know you ma” he paused. “Well here, take down my number and when you’re ready, we can talk more about this lunch date” he actually took my phone out of my hand and stored his number. This one of those kinds of guys, I thought.

​“That was real cute”, I told him “Okay I have to go to class, have a nice day um…. “

​“Tommy ma, Tommy” he smiled because he knew I was faking like I forgot his name.

​“Yea Tommy, well see you later”, I said before I turned to walk away.

​“Yea sooner than you thinks”, Tommy thought to himself as he watched her walk off.


​I couldn’t get this chick off my mind, I had seen her around campus a couple of times before but I never had the balls to talk to her until today. Her beauty really made me speechless so every word I spoke was forced out. I felt like a bitch for being so smitten; look what real nigga uses that word? SMITTEN? What kinda shit is that? Cuh I’m really tripping over this girl.

​I really didn’t think she would give me the time of day when I approached her because sheseems stuck up from our previous encounters. I bet she doesn’t even remember those encounters. I broke my neck tryna open the door for her one day, a few weeks later I saw her driving around the parking lot looking overwhelmed so I knew she was running late or something, I  back out of the space I had just pulled into and let her have it. I was being a real gentleman and I didn’t even know her name at that point.

​When I seen her today in the Student Center, I had to say something. It was a fasho now or never type deal and look what happened. She had a nigga smiling from ear to ear when she actually talked back. At that point, I knew I wanted her and would have her. It’ll only be a matter of time before I’m smashing that every night and morning, mark my words. Niggas aint into relationships, just relations at this point in my life.



​Thanks to Tommy, I couldn’t even concentrate on my midterm. I’m almost POSITIVE that I got a C or lower. I shook my head at myself in disgust; I’ll never get to Spelman with these grades. I had to do better and get back on my ish; I had fallen off a tad bit because I was bored with it.

​On my way out of the math building, I noticed there was something on my windshield, as I got closer I seen that it was a note.

It read:

“I hope you use that number, don’t be scared, I won’t bite and if I do, you’ll like it”


​That was the corniest shit ever; I thought to myself and chuckled aloud. This nigga really trying, I admit, it’s cute but come on, be a little bit more original. I see ima have to teach him some thangs.

​Tommy thought I was naïve, I could tell from his approach but I’m far from it. Little does he know, I know more about him then he thinks. I know all about his doggish ways and manipulating mind games, the school talks and so does the city we’re from. Word gets around quick out here and I always keep my ear to the streets. I already know his intentions, he wants to have sex with me and try to string me along for the right but I think he just met his Karma.