How can you possibly call yourself a man?
I sit and listen to people talk about you,
They speak so highly of this person I've never met,
Because you ain't been shit ever,
Not since the day we met.
Shit be cool, all fun and games but I think it's a problem when your child doesnt know your name .
How can you possibly call yourself a man?
Growing up,
My daddy was in my life,
Prolly missed a few events but I remember him being there more times than not.
You never forget the presence of your daddy
So you cant possibly think your kids have forgotten.
They haven't forgot that their daddy has never really been there,
They see you on pictures doing fun shit,
They haven't forgot how you was suppose to pick them up but you suddenly forgot.
How can you possibly call yourself a man?
Birthdays, Christmas and holidays in between
They haven't forgot that all you did was sell em a dream.
No birthday gifts, no birthday cards, no Christmas gifts but you expect your seeds to respect you.
They fear you, when you come around they cringe, they barely even talk and you think it's cool but it's not, I'll never understand how a deadbeat ass nigga could refer to himself as a man.
A man takes care of home,
No matter how many different addresses you have
You don't even pick up the phone to ask how their day went,
First day of school,
Daddy wasn't there,
Do you not realize how much that effects a child?
They see you playing favorites,
How do you play favorites when all of them were made from the mixture of your nutt?
How can you possibly call yourself a man?
These bitches are weak,
There's no way I could be submissive to a baby making coward like you.
Might be cool as hell,
but a man who doesn't take care of home isn't a man at all,
You don't even realize that not being a good father will forever be your downfall.
They didn't ask to be born and their mother didn't make them alone,
She carried them for 9 months,
The pain , the agony but she still finds reasons to smile. She does it all by herself and she has every reason to be proud. But hey, that's the real definition of a great woMAN.
The moral of the story is that a deadbeat isn't a man at all, he's just a bitch with balls.