Dear Peers,
My name is Kiera Thomas and this is my open letter.
I am 25 years old, no kids, and to most, I have no worries. I do have worries though, I just can't let myself stress about all of them at once. I decided to write this letter because it was on my heart for so long, I believe God put it there. I do as I am told. Not too sure where to start but I know I have a lot to say.
Recently, I accomplished one of my biggest dreams, I became a published author and my debut novel is doing pretty well. I am humble above everything and thankful too. But of course, there are some people who rather bring up the past rather than concentrate on the present and future. So for that reason, I've decided to TELL ALL. no I'm not doing it for attention, I get enough of that, wanted or unwanted on a daily. As a writer I feel like you aren't suppose to hold back.
Let's go back about a decade or so. I was a teenager, my body was changing, my hormones were raging and the people around me were finally giving me attention. I took full advantage of that, what high school girl wouldn't? I attended artesia high and Dominguez high as well. While at Artesia, my virginity was taken from me, no I wasn't raped physically but I was mentally and physically taken advantage of. I thought he loved me, everyone else knew he didn't. He told me if I didn't give it up, he would never speak to me again. Being naive, I loss my virginity on a dead end in seal beach. It wasn't romantic at all, there were limited to no feelings on his part and I was confused and wanted badly to please him. After this incident, he felt cool enough to tell the boys at school. I endured weeks of laughter behind my back and a few rude remarks to my face. Guys who I thought were my friends approached me and asked me "why you give it up to a white boy, it was suppose to be me". They thought it was funny, he thought it was cool and I was left hiding in classrooms during school. I left Artesia soon after that and checked into Dominguez. Being as how I was fresh meat to the guys there, a few tried their luck, I fell for two that just so happened to be best friends. I know, that's not a good luck and I didn't mean for it to happen. Good guy, bad boy were the rolls they played. I played mistress to the bad boy but the good boy played me, which lead me into the arms of the bad boy. I really believe that's where my reputation became bad. When both of those ended, I moved around the D, got a boyfriend and eventually went back to Artesia to graduate.
After high school and those heartache's and breaks, my mentality went from good girl to bag girl. I developed an attitude, I no longer cared about what ppl had to say about me. I hated the double standard that guys could do things that girls couldn't so I did it all. I talked to whoever and did whatever I wanted to do and dared anyone to say anything to me. My mom warned me about my reputation following me but I ignored her because I thought I knew it all. I wasn't until recently that I took heed to her words. I thought being known was cute, cool and the thing to do but it ain't. Because of the things I did back then, it's hard for men to take me serious now. My message to all young girls is :
Keep your SEX, if he loves you, he will wait. Don't homie hop, 9/10 that other homie that seems to be interested how his other homie wasn't, really don't want shit but the sex and things you gave his homie. Finish school, concentrate on your studies and stay away from the people who rather see you living dirty than glamorous. Be a great example if you have younger siblings, believe me they watch your every move.
I can sit and blame ppl for my actions but that's not me. I did everything bc I wanted to and I've learned my lesson. Don't be a hard head and learn on your own, it's not always good to do that. Take heed to the advice given to you by the people who love you.
Let's dead some rumors :
Kiera is a hoe.
No Kiera isn't a hoe, contrary to what is said and believed, I have less bodies than ppl like to put on me.
Kiera talks that no babies stuff but has had a million abortions.
Wrong again, ONE abortion and I can bang that.
There's more but those two haunt me.
I am not the scorn black girl, I am not. I am now completely comfortable in my skin. I am achieving things girls my age aren't even concerned about. I take so much pride in my craft and my ambition is what keeps me going. This was just my open letter to let people know that a person can change. So when you feel like digging up my past, throwing dirt on my name, or just talking negative about me period, make sure you tell em:
She beat major odds, she stuck to her guns, she fell but she got up and