"Don't worry bout them liking it, you love your craft, everyone else will catch up later"- Jody

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

moving backwards [dec.08]

i dont understand how i can possibly move backwards in relationships . its like i rather go back to an ex than go to someone new . i mean i know why i do it but its like why do i do it if i already know the possible outcome . the thing that irks me is when people judge me for doing it but they do it themselves .
granted , my ex may not be better than your ex but its still MY EX . that means that i deal with the bullshit not you , so why comment when i didnt ask for it . ya digg . talk the shit under your breath but dont say anything aloud because it only makes you look just as stupid , if not stupider than me . i can accept the fact that im being called stupid behind my back by others who dont know our history , but when it comes from someone who calls themselves a "friend" , it hurts because you are just as dumb as me but you pointing the finger . &&of coursee in your eyes he's doing way more stuff than your ex is doing but at least hes honest with his , and im honest with mines . you dont see me sitting here going back and forth between two guys thats doggin me on both ends , its not right but at least im sticking to one dog . i dont get it . i never will because thats not my b.i. sorry if im venting about you but it had to come out sooner or later . my whole thing is dont judge me if you havent looked in the mirror lately , because never once have i judged you and who's going thru it more ?

thank you ..


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