"Don't worry bout them liking it, you love your craft, everyone else will catch up later"- Jody

Thursday, June 16, 2016


Good Day Loves,

I woke up this morning, INSPIRED, veryyyy INSPIRED.. (Shoutout to my bestfrenn for dragging me out the bed early because I sho planned on taking today off lol) Anywho.. so while feeling inspired, I wanted to come up with a way to get you guys your Ebooks in the version you need. When I say version, I mean like PDF,EPUB, ETC because I noticed when I sent the book to myself,I could either open it in iBOOKs or my kindle app when it was sent as a PDF file. I didnt know what it prompted Android users to do so I sent a test email to a few people with Androids and they let me know that the EPUB file, would open in play books which lets you see it as an actual EBOOK. Did I lose you? LOL jk.. but yea so basically I just need you guys to let me know what type of device you have.

OH! and I also changed the name of my store and company lol so the link has changed, its updated to your right though.. but in case you cant click it, its Ktanaebooks.bigcartel.com :)


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